D Executive Protection Inc uses the K.I.S.S method to get what you need, Keeping It Simple & Straightforward! No matter how detailed the assignment, or how many sites you need to be secured, D Executive Protection Inc is ready to provide you peace of mind. No matter how the size of the business, each client receives the same dedicated and professional agents and services. Each client will have a single point of contact with a dedicated Supervising Coordinator to guarantee independent, on-time, consistent and efficient service.
It’s as quick and simple to get started because we do not play the bidding war game! Your service is stellar and your time is valuable just call or submit an online quote request if you prefer. Include a brief scope of work or information about your security guard services needs, and we can deliver affordable, reliable and effective solutions within hours.
1810 E Sahara Ave #226,
Las Vegas, NV 89104,
PILB #28144
(702) 723-0071